Category Archives: Running

Catching Up/Getting Farther Behind

Eh. Worst blogger ever. I never feel like blogging and by the time I do, there’s so much I have to write about– I put it off some more.

Lots of stuff happened.

Thanks to my late Uncle Larry, I was able to pay off my credit card debt– I’m still poor, but at least I’m free! That’s probably the biggest thing.

I’m going to miss that guy. There’s not a day that has gone by where I’m not thinking about him, missing him. I wish I could tell you more clearly what kind of shining light he was, but I can’t.

In other news, completely fell of the paleo wagon in probably my most flagrant style yet. I’m just… not on it.

Today is the first day in weeks where I’m really even contemplating getting back on.

The CrossFit Open started and the workouts have had their ups and downs. As I’ve only been CrossFitting since June, I’m still a n00b. I’m often frustrated by what I can’t do. Trying to overcome that frustration. Also gave up on the No Girly Push-Up challenge due to my uncle’s passing and general exhaustion. Still trying to figure out if I have an adrenal fatigue problem. I probably do.

I also have run two 5Ks, both PRs, in the last month. I did the Corktown 5K (saw Jennifer of Wine to Weightlifting fame) and the Run du Nain Rouge 5K. I ran the Corktown 5K in 28:40-something and I ran the Nain Rouge in 26:31! It was only in the last year that I’ve been able to run a sub-10 avg min/mile, so I’m super-impressed. I had just told one of my CF coaches that my next goal was to run a sub-9 min/mile and BLAMMO, there it is.

On Friday, March 22– I did the DEA’s Maltz Challenge at Ford Field. That was pretty cool as even though I work across the street from the stadium, I had never been inside. I did the 1/2 Maltz as I’ve been beating my body up pretty good.

Back to CrossFit tonight after a few days off. W00t!


Pre-Run du Nain Rouge 5K


Pre-Maltz Challenge at Ford Field with some of my CFT homies.


Pre-Corktown 5K with a creepy Keebler-Elf-looking guy.

Whoopsie Crumbs: Blog Update FAIL

Oh, heeeeeeeey, blog reader…

Sorry about the long absence. I got bored of blogging about my Paleo Challenge… also, I wasn’t being a great example of the Paleo Lifestyle– far too many cheats for my taste. I’m still somewhere in the 70-80% range, but was going to start feeling like a total asshole if I had to keep blogging every single thing I put into my mouth (…that’s what she said). Oh. And I’m lazy.

On a related note, got some folks on the paleo wagon & they’re far better at it than I am. They actually read the books I recommended on the topic, whereas I… merely own the books & plan to read them in entirety… one day.

I spent a third of my entire paycheck at Whole Foods & Trader Joe’s yesterday. I’m pretty sure that my checking account will be marginally in the red when my Amex automatic bill pay clears today or tomorrow, but at least I’ll have taken measures to assure food is in the fridge.

Too bad I also discovered a dress I really want from Quel dommage!

Still loving yoga, starting to hit up the gym regularly… still avoiding running like the plague. I think I psyched myself out. I’m going to have to get over that soon– I have races & events looming in the not-so-distant future.


Reading Katherine Dunn’s Geek Love for book club and am really enjoying it.

Finished Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card and it was awesome.

Thanks to B, I’m now also obsessed with the tv series Angel— which I started watching in the middle of season 3, apropos of nothing… Am pretty sure David Boreanaz plays only one character ever. He’s lucky he’s good at it. I realize Agent Booth is Angel. Same person.


By the way, I’m still awesome at breakfast scrambles– it tends to be my most paleo meal of the day. Today, for example, I made a big ol’ paleo breakfast: 2 pieces of bacon, 2-egg scramble w/ garlic, chopped shallots, scallions, spinach & mushrooms (all cooked in the bacon grease). A few raspberries & blueberries in a bit of coconut milk on the side. YUM! So freaking good.

Paleo Challenge, #14 & #15

Day #14

Honestly? I don’t feel like updating this right now.

I did fairly well, eating-wise (except for the piece of cake I had at a wedding shower).

Went rollerskating with B & Rob on Sunday. The regulars at the roller rink should be characters in  a Christopher Guest movie.

Day #15

Had a pretty standard paleo day (beginning with one of my excellent scrambles with lots of veggies & some bacon)– except for the cup of tomato basil soup I had with lunch. Am still angsty over it. It definitely had cream in it & I’m not sure what else might have been in it.

I had vinegar & oil dressing with my Traverse City (w/ grilled chicken salad). I’m beginning to prefer vinegar & oil to any other dressing. One day maybe I’ll even progress to lemon juice.

Dinner was an entire bag of buffalo jerky (whoops) (apparently there’s 3.5 servings in 1 bag. LIES!), some raw cashews, &  1/2 of a pear. After yoga I tried some of my roommates beef stew– so good. All paleo, as far as I know.

So, portion-control is still a major issue. Am working on it.


In other news, been slacking on the running. Just not motivated when it’s this cold & wet. Yuck.

Went to moonlight yoga on Monday (Day #15) & signed up for 60 days unlimited at Serendipity Yoga. Also shopped around for a gym & think I found one I really like. It’s month-to-month & there’s no BS contract that makes it near-impossible to leave. Customer reviews were good. It’ll be my next paycheck’s main purchase. Woohoo!

Paleo Challenge, Day #4

Weigh-in: 170.8! Yeah, buddy!


Note: check back later for full update (I just like to post my weight first thing in the morning).


I am dressed like a ninja.


Exercise: Ran 3.13 miles in 33 minutes. How come I’m so slow? Is it fair for me to blame the cold weather? I’ve lost 10 lbs over holidays, so it’s not weight gain. Oh well. Whatever. I’m outside running, in any case.


2 pieces of bacon, 2 eggs scrambled with spinach, chopped shallots, red, yellow & green peppers.

Breakfast: 2 pieces of bacon, another amazing 2-egg scramble– all scrambled in the bacon grease! YUM! I did scramble in a few potatoes & some tiny pieces of green bean (was trying to get rid of a bag of frozen stuff from Trader Joe’s). I’m not going to lose sleep over it.

Snack: my little trail mix baggy (pistachios, dried cranberries, pepitas, & almonds)

Lunch: some sweet potatoes mashed, some steamed vegetables & pulled pork.

Pulled pork, steamed veggies & sweet potatoes mashed from Rub BBQ.

Pulled pork, steamed veggies & sweet potatoes mashed from Rub BBQ.

Snack: (I was hungrier than normal): clementine & some pistachios.

Dinner: half a chicken. No lie. Flame-broiled chicken, no less & no more. No salt, no extras… but still… that’s a lot of bird.

I’m really full. Overdid the eating today.




Had 2 glasses of red win at book club tonight.  It was delicious. The company excellent.


I’m not very organized. I use the calendar on my iPhone religiously (thank goodness for the little alerts!), but nothing is quite so helpful to me as making lists and/or a big wall calendar (note to self– need giant wall calendar).

Races I am committed to doing:

Bank of America Shamrock Shuffle (Chicago, IL) 4/10/11: a great motivation to keep in shape through-out the dreary winter months & an even better excuse to see my friends in Chi-town. An easy, fast road trip, too.

MojoStLoco (St. Louis, MO) 6/25/11: I’m really excited about this crazy event– my friend, Jason, from Geeks In Running Shoes is organizing it. This will be my first big trek to meet & run w/ cool Twitter/DailyMile folks.

Races I plan to do: Budgeting is an issue for me, so I can’t just register for a bunch all at once.

Flirt with Dirt (Novi, MI) 6/11/11: One of my tweeps told me about this & it sounds really fun– and a race I’d feel comfortable doing in my VFFS (Vibram Five Fingers).

Warrior Dash (Mt. Morris, MI) 7/30/11: This looks to be a real blast & I would have registered already, but it’s the kind of thing you’d want to get a group together to do…  I’m also open to running this out-of-state, if it means running with my friends. Registration is only $45, if you register by 11:59pm on Jan. 7, 2011. Do it!

Detroit Free Press Marathon (Detroit, MI-Windsor, ON) 10/16/11: I would not be doing the full marathon, only the half. WHICH IS PLENTY. Also, I need to find & renew my passport. Whoopsie crumbs! Registration is half-price until Jan. 10, 2011! Do it!

Oh, hey. It’s 2011.

New Year’s Resolution: write more shit. That’s a classy way of saying I mean to write in this blog frequently, whether or not I feel like it. Whether or not I feel clever or literate. So there.

2011= Big Changes. And not just because I’m really excited about HBO’s “Game of Thrones” or what’s next for my favorite Chicago-area wizard, Harry Dresden (of Jim Butcher’s Dresden Files book series).

2011 will be major, I’ve decided. I’ve been testing out the Paleo lifestyle (check out Robb Wolf’s The Paleo Solution) for past month & plan to get serious with in on Jan. 3rd. I’ll try to blog about my triumphs & setbacks. Or not. I’ll see how it goes.

Also, I really want to do the Detroit Free Press 1/2 Marathon in October, so I’ll keep this thing updated (via Daily Mile) with my progress. I’m registering for Chicago’s Shamrock Shuffle (April 20) & I really want to do at least one Warrior Dash this spring/summer (…mainly for the helmets & beer).

Also, I want to lose 20 lbs before winter turns to spring– there are dresses I need to be wearing. I’m too young and attractive to be so frumpy. I’m 30 & I’ve only got a few years before I reach my peak in aesthetic appeal… then the big decline.

To boot, I’m dating someone terrific & three months in– we’re still having loads of fun. I think so, anyway.

2011. Big things.